Unlock Your Team's Potential with Performance Coaching

Performance coaching is a powerful tool for encouraging self-awareness and growth among team members. It provides feedback on behaviors, practices, and results, helping employees understand how to best achieve their goals. At CMOE, we understand the importance of measuring performance in order to maximize growth. That's why we have developed a four-step process to help our clients improve their training. Most of the time, our clients have never measured coaching before, so they have no idea if it's happening or how well it's being received.

Having this information gives them clarity about the effectiveness of their current training and how they should improve. Education and training are essential for a coach's growth journey, but they are not enough on their own to generate behavioral change and growth results. The best way to ensure that knowledge is applied and change is implemented is to create a collaborative implementation environment. We refer to these meetings as implementation meetings, which focus on the continuous exchange of best practices and open discussion about the challenges to be overcome. These meetings give coaches the ability to collaborate with each other on what works and what doesn't, while also creating responsibility for implementing training activities. Analyzing this type of training information not only allows a story to emerge, but it also solves a long-standing mystery about performance improvement that has never been understood.

Bill Eckstrom, co-author of The Coaching Effect, is the founder of the ECSell Institute, which works with international leaders to help them better understand, measure, and raise the impact of coaching on performance. Research shows that high-performing companies are more likely to teach managers how to empower and hold them accountable compared to their peers. To get the most out of individual and team sports, coaches must strive to have excellent relationships with their athletes. Managers must know business arguments in order to train and develop others if they want to value and use them effectively. Sarah Wirth, co-author of The Coaching Effect, is vice president of client services at the ECsell Institute.

If you're looking for ways to help develop your leadership capacity, be sure to check out the CMOE training workshops (online learning courses are also available).Coaches ask open-ended questions, seek alternative solutions to problems and encourage reasonable risk-taking. While this may be the most effective way to get the best performance out of their athletes, it usually has the opposite effect. Training employees to improve performance ensures that team members are moving in the right direction with their tasks and strategies, as it helps them to draw up a clear plan for moving forward. In order for athletes to perform at their peak level, coaches and athletes must communicate and interact with each other on a regular basis. If employees feel too comfortable in their positions, doing the minimum and maintaining the status quo, performance coaching can reinvigorate their commitment to their work and performance.

The training style is best used when helping employees improve their performance or develop long-term strengths.