What are the different types of coaching strategies?

Those interested in pursuing a coaching career should understand the strengths and weaknesses of each style. Humanist coaching focuses on helping leaders achieve their full potential. You've probably heard the term self-actualization, and that's what it's all about. It relies heavily on the relationship and trust between leaders and coaches to create success for the leader.

Humanist coaching adopts a therapy-oriented perspective, in which the leader being trained may already be in the middle of a crisis and the coach helps him to find stability and confidence. While this is great for the leader, it doesn't necessarily help them do more for the organization. Adult development coaching focuses on the different stages of adult development. The coach must determine where the leader is in his development and helps him to move towards a more mature understanding of authority and responsibility, as well as a greater tolerance for ambiguity.

Cognitive coaching addresses maladaptive thoughts that can get in the way of a leader's success. This therapeutic approach to coaching requires the coach to challenge the way the leader thinks about the actions of others in a non-productive way, which hinders their own performance. This approach definitely has its place at the right time for the right leader, but it doesn't address holistic behavioral change. The positive psychology model for coaching has gained popularity in recent years.

This strongs-based approach requires a coach to help the leader expand existing strengths to generate positive emotions, create greater happiness and, in the process, higher levels of performance. Systemic coaching, as the name suggests, takes into account a wide range of factors that influence performance. It focuses on observing patterns that may prevent a leader from performing and seeks to alter them. It also highlights the importance of making small changes that can generate big results over time.

This approach is consistent with much of the writing you may have seen recently. Adaptive coaching is fundamentally goal-oriented by nature. However, it also incorporates the best aspects of approaches such as systemic, positive and even cognitive coaching. Balances the personal and practical needs of the person receiving the training.

Compared to other training styles, democratic coaching places more control in the hands of the clients, while the coach provides the momentum and support needed to achieve the tangible objectives. Often regarded as the most empowering style of training, democratic coaching is the best option for clients who are prepared to take responsibility and require less labor. It is ideal for financial advice, professional training and personal growth training. Unlike the democratic style, the autocratic training style places authority in the hands of the coach.

You steadfastly direct your client to the desired results and success. Autocratic coaching puts control in the hands of the coach. And it's important that you use this style when you have the experience and knowledge needed to dictate the conditions. Very close to the autocratic training style is bureaucratic training.

It follows a more old school approach and is more driven by processes and systems. For example, in a law firm or hospital, where deviating from a process could cost a lot of money or even lives. Most of the time, bureaucratic coaching is adopted for organizational training in disciplined and regulated environments that require a non-negotiable approach to compliance and processes, such as government and public sector bodies. The holistic coaching style basically focuses on the overall growth of the person, giving equal importance to all aspects of the client's life.

The coach's job is to ask the right questions and provide support and encouragement. Holistic coaching is the best option in situations where the client seeks to create lasting results in their life in general: mind, body, spirit and community. Development coaching involves understanding your client's “what”, “why” and “how”. The coach uses 360-degree feedback and questions to understand the client's past experiences and assess where they are in their development journey.

This style takes into account the client's age, mental age and thought processes. Let's say you have a client, Rachel, who is in her early 20s. He is at an important stage in his life. You need to apply to universities and select your careers that will decide your professional life for years to come.

She is a brilliant student; however, she is unable to specify what she wants to do. Get different opinions from friends and family, your teachers, peers, and online communities. And that mix of conflicting opinions confuses her. She's moving from one option to another, and the deadlines for college applications are getting closer.

Now she has reached out to you, as a coach, to help her in this phase. Now list a different style (or a combination of 2 styles) that you think might work better and why. A practical 100-page manual with the most powerful questions that world-class coaches use to catalyze profound and lasting moments and transformations in their clients. Expert life coaches can switch between different techniques depending on what is most effective for their client's desired goal.

Asking open-ended or “guiding” questions is an effective way of evaluating a client's wants, needs and desires, and is one of the cornerstones of good coaching. Companies want to create an environment in which people can constantly train each other to achieve optimal performance. It may take a little longer than other approaches to see results, but when it comes to performance training styles, it can be very effective, as the team has a responsibility to work together and explore the solutions as a whole. They should leave judgment at the door when they come to the coaching session and interact with the client with candor, curiosity and attention.

Once again, this type of training can take time to achieve results and there is the potential for deeper emotional problems to be triggered. In a group setting, it's a little more difficult for the coach to maintain that responsibility with each individual, week after week. Since Morgan is great at quickly establishing good relationships with people and connecting, your coach may recommend that you use that strength to help you deepen relationships with your team members. The autocratic coach is in control at all times and strives for perfectionism and excellence, while some may expect that certain tasks will always be performed the same way.

It is a therapeutic coaching strategy focused on the experiences of each stage of adult development. By assigning all participants to a friend or facilitating peer training within the group, an integrated accountability mechanism is guaranteed for all participants. Unlike several methods described above, the goal is not to create a long-term coaching relationship. Once again, this is often used in organizational environments where the coach comes on board as an external consultant and is not the main owner of the process.

And while each approach has demonstrated a certain level of effectiveness, the value that the coach brings to the leader can undoubtedly be improved in each of them. .