Which 2 types of relationships do good coaches work with their team players?

Like most relationships found in nature, the coach-player dynamic often follows one of two paths. Are they parasitic or symbiotic. This model was originally called the 3C model because it consisted of closeness, commitment and complementarity. However, based on the progress of our research, it was revised to include co-orientation as an additional component.

Co-orientation reflects the degree to which coaches and athletes have similar perceptions. These perceptions can range from your thoughts about your relationship to expectations about training and competition. Each athlete and coach develop a mutual similarity and understanding that denotes their common and unique points. Research shows that coaches and athletes who report high levels of 3+1 C have better working relationships.

It is important to note that the coach-athlete relationship does not remain the same, it is always evolving. As the coach and athlete spend time together, experience successes, and face challenges, the quality and nature of the relationship will change and fluctuate. Some coaches set aside time after practices or training sessions to chat with non-soccer players. Asking them about friends, schoolwork, relationships, or hobbies can show players that you're interested in more than what they can do on the field of play.

Do the same with coaches and spend time with them off the field. Coaches often take their teams to nearby retreats, camps, or resorts to get to know their players a little better. This is also the perfect setting to emphasize the value of leadership and teamwork instead of Xs and Os. If a coach is obsessed with winning and their only goal is to win, they may be able to achieve that goal.

Coaches who work in summer sports camps have worked with a lot of young athletes and, in reality, are never trying to hurt or annoy them. Coaches become distant and distant, and players adopt a “win at any cost” attitude characterized by selfishness and lack of sportsmanship. A coach must constantly strive to improve the athletes he trains without pressuring them beyond reason. Athletes who maintain a close relationship with their coaches are more likely to feel safe exploring their role in sports, overcoming their limits, taking risks to improve performance, and be able to push themselves 100% with confidence.

Gold medal-winning Olympians such as Wayde van Niekerk, Simone Biles, Michael Phelps, Laura Muir and LeBron James have said that their coaches are the reason for their success. Coaches must understand that their job is not just about physical progress, but about preparing their young athletes for success in life. Not only are these relationships successful, but coaches and athletes also develop deep and mutual care and respect for each other. These strong links allow coaches to influence athletes and help the development of athletes' psychological, emotional and social skills, as well as their physical, technical and tactical abilities.

For example, the coach is expected to direct and direct the athlete, while the athlete executes the coach's instructions. The “behavioral” aspect of this relationship is called complementarity, which is the extent to which the coach and athlete feel comfortable in the presence of the other and adopt a friendly (rather than hostile) attitude. The study consisted of interviews with 27 Olympic and Paralympic athletes and 30 coaches, which were then analyzed. Effective training goes beyond wins and losses, it also includes reaching out to individual athletes.

Table 1 offers some tips on how to develop a good coach-athlete partnership with benefits for both you and your coach. Genuine relationships between athletes and coaches generate more trust, better communication and a winning attitude.